
6 Yogasanas for Piles: Treat and Prevent Hemorrhoids Naturally

6 Yogasanas for Piles: Treat and Prevent Hemorrhoids Naturally


Hemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, can cause discomfort and pain, affecting the quality of life for many individuals. While seeking treatment from the best piles doctor in Delhi is essential, incorporating yoga into your routine can complement medical care and provide relief. At Sushruta Anorectal Institute, led by Dr. S.K. Singh, renowned for piles treatment without surgery, we believe in holistic approaches to hemorrhoid management. In this blog, we’ll explore six yogasanas for piles that can help treat and prevent hemorrhoids naturally, alongside highlighting the importance of consulting the best proctologist in Delhi for comprehensive care.

Understanding Hemorrhoids and Yoga

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins in the rectum or anus become swollen and inflamed, leading to symptoms such as pain, itching, and bleeding during bowel movements. Yoga, an ancient practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, can help alleviate hemorrhoid symptoms by improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation

The Top 6 Yogasanas for Hemorrhoids

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

Benefits: Vajrasana improves digestion, strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, and promotes bowel regularity.

How to Do: Kneel on the floor with your legs together and toes pointing backward. Sit on your heels and keep your spine straight. Place your hands on your knees or thighs, palms facing downward. Hold the pose for a few breaths, then release.

6 Yoga for Piles Vajrasana

Malasana (Garland Pose)

Benefits: Malasana stretches the muscles of the groin and pelvis, relieving tension and improving circulation in the anal region.

How to Do: Squat down with your feet flat on the floor, wider than hip-width apart. Lower your hips toward the ground while keeping your heels on the floor. Bring your palms together in front of your chest for balance. Hold the pose for several breaths, then slowly rise back up.

6 Yoga for Piles Malasana

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Benefits: Bhujangasana strengthens the lower back muscles, improves spinal flexibility, and stimulates digestion.

How to Do: Lie on your stomach with your legs extended and palms planted on the floor beside your chest. Inhale as you lift your chest off the floor, keeping your elbows close to your body. Press the tops of your feet into the ground and engage your glutes. Hold the pose for a few breaths, then release.


Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Benefits:Uttanasana stretches the hamstrings, calves, and spine, while also improving blood circulation to the pelvic region.

How to Do:Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hinge forward at the hips, keeping your spine straight. Allow your torso to hang over your legs, reaching your hands toward the ground or holding onto your ankles. Hold the pose for a few breaths, then slowly rise back up.

6 Yoga for Piles Uttanasana

Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)

Benefits: Pavanamuktasana helps release gas and bloating, reduces abdominal pressure, and stimulates bowel movements.

How to Do: Lie on your back with your legs extended and arms by your sides. Bend your knees and bring them toward your chest. Wrap your arms around your knees and clasp your hands. Gently rock from side to side to massage your lower back. Hold the pose for several breaths, then release.

6 Yoga for Piles Pavanamuktasana

Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclining Spinal Twist)

Benefits: Supta Matsyendrasana relieves tension in the lower back, hips, and spine, while also improving digestion and promoting relaxation.

How to Do: Lie on your back with your arms extended to the sides and palms facing down. Bend your knees and shift your hips to the right. Drop your knees to the left and gaze over your right shoulder. Hold the pose for several breaths, then repeat on the other side.

6 Yoga for Piles Supta Matsyendrasana

Incorporating Yoga into Your Routine

Practicing these yogasanas regularly can help alleviate hemorrhoid symptoms and promote overall well-being. However, it’s essential to consult with the best piles doctor in Delhi, Dr. S.K. Singh, before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

Seeking Comprehensive Piles Treatment in Delhi

While yoga can be beneficial for hemorrhoid management, it’s essential to seek comprehensive care from a qualified professional. Dr. S.K. Singh at Sushruta Anorectal Institute specializes in piles treatment without surgery, offering personalized care and innovative solutions for hemorrhoid relief. As the best proctologist in Delhi, Dr. Singh combines traditional Ayurvedic principles with modern medical practices to provide holistic and effective treatment options.


Incorporating yogasanas into your daily routine can be a valuable tool in managing and preventing hemorrhoids naturally. By practicing yoga for piles regularly and seeking guidance from the best piles doctor in Delhi, Dr. S.K. Singh, an experienced ayurvedic doctor for piles, you can take proactive steps towards improving your digestive health and overall well-being. Embrace the benefits of yoga and prioritize your health with Sushruta Anorectal Institute’s expert care, offering innovative solutions to cure piles without operation.

Read More: What is Kshar Sutra Treatment?


Best 5 Fiber Foods for Hemorrhoids

Best 5 Fiber Foods for Hemorrhoids


Hemorrhoids, often referred to as piles, can be a painful and uncomfortable condition. While seeking treatment from the best piles doctor in Delhi is crucial, incorporating fiber-rich foods into your diet can play a significant role in managing and preventing hemorrhoids. At Sushruta Anorectal Institute, renowned for piles treatment without surgery and led by the best proctologist in Delhi, Dr. S.k Singh, we understand the importance of dietary fiber rich foods in promoting digestive health and alleviating hemorrhoid symptoms. In this blog, we’ll explore the top 5 fiber-rich foods that can aid in hemorrhoid management and provide relief.

Understanding the Role of Fiber in Hemorrhoid Management

Fiber is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining digestive health. It adds bulk to stools, softens them, and promotes regular bowel movements. For individuals dealing with hemorrhoids, increasing fiber intake can help prevent constipation and reduce straining during bowel movements, thus easing symptoms and promoting healing.

The Top 5 Fiber Foods for Hemorrhoids

Whole Grains: Whole grains are excellent sources of dietary fiber, making them a staple in a hemorrhoid-friendly diet. Opt for whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats, quinoa, and barley. These grains are rich in insoluble fiber, which adds bulk to stools and promotes bowel regularity.

Legumes: Legumes, such as lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans, are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. They are versatile ingredients that can be added to soups, salads, and main dishes to boost fiber intake and support digestive health.

Fruits: Fruits are naturally rich in fiber and offer a wide range of health benefits. Some of the best fiber-rich fruits for hemorrhoid management include apples, pears, berries, oranges, and bananas. Incorporate these fruits into your diet as snacks or as part of your meals to increase fiber intake.

Vegetables: Vegetables are an essential component of a fiber-rich diet. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are particularly high in fiber and provide essential vitamins and minerals. Additionally, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are excellent choices for promoting digestive health.

Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are nutrient-dense foods that are rich in fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are excellent sources of dietary fiber and can be added to yogurt, salads, or smoothies for an extra fiber boost.

Incorporating Fiber-Rich Foods into Your Diet

Now that you know the top 5 fiber-rich foods for hemorrhoids, it’s essential to incorporate them into your daily meals. Here are some tips for adding these foods to your diet:

Start Slowly: Gradually increase your fiber intake to allow your digestive system to adjust.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help fiber move through your digestive system smoothly.

Choose Whole Foods: Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible to maximize fiber intake.

Experiment with Recipes: Get creative in the kitchen and try new recipes that incorporate fiber-rich ingredients.

Seeking Expert Guidance for Piles Treatment in Delhi

While dietary changes can play a significant role in managing hemorrhoids, it’s essential to consult with a piles specialist for personalized treatment and guidance. At Sushruta Anorectal Institute, led by the best proctologist in Delhi, Dr. S.K Singh, we specialize in piles treatment without surgery, offering innovative and effective solutions for hemorrhoid relief.


Incorporating fiber-rich foods into your diet is a simple yet effective way to manage hemorrhoids and promote digestive health. By choosing whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, you can support your body’s natural healing process and reduce the risk of hemorrhoid flare-ups. Remember to stay hydrated, start slowly, and consult with a piles specialist in Delhi for personalized guidance and treatment.

At Sushruta Anorectal Institute, we’re committed to providing compassionate care and innovative solutions for hemorrhoid relief. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. S.K Singh  and take the first step towards a life free from the discomfort of hemorrhoids.

Read More: Anal Fistula: What It Is, Symptoms and Treatments?​


What is Kshar Sutra Treatment and How Does it works?

What is Kshar Sutra Treatment?


Hemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, can be a source of discomfort and pain for many individuals. While surgical options exist for their treatment, many people prefer non-surgical alternatives due to their less invasive nature and shorter recovery times. At Sushruta Anorectal Institute, led by the renowned Dr. S.K Singh, we specialize in piles treatment without surgery, offering innovative solutions such as Kshar Sutra treatment. In this blog, we will delve into what Kshar Sutra treatment entails and how it can provide relief for those suffering from hemorrhoids.

Understanding Kshar Sutra Treatment

Kshar Sutra treatment is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy used for the management of various anorectal conditions, including hemorrhoids. It involves the use of a specialized medicated thread called Kshar Sutra, which is prepared by coating a surgical thread with specific herbal extracts and alkaline substances.

How Does Kshar Sutra Treatment Work?

During Kshar Sutra treatment, the medicated thread is carefully inserted into the base of the hemorrhoid or fistula tract. Over time, the thread gradually cuts through the affected tissue, leading to the shrinkage and eventual elimination of the hemorrhoid or fistula. Additionally, the alkaline substances present in the thread help in promoting healing and preventing infection.

The Benefits of Kshar Sutra Treatment

Non-Surgical Approach: One of the most significant advantages of Kshar Sutra treatment is that it is entirely non-surgical. Unlike traditional surgical procedures for hemorrhoids, such as Hemorrhoidectomy, Kshar Sutra treatment does not involve cutting or excising tissue, reducing the risk of complications and minimizing post-operative discomfort.

Minimal Downtime: Since Kshar Sutra treatment is minimally invasive, the recovery period is relatively short compared to surgical options. Most patients can resume their daily activities within a few days of the procedure, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

Effective Results: Kshar Sutra treatment has been shown to be highly effective in the management of hemorrhoids and other anorectal conditions. It not only provides relief from symptoms such as pain, itching, and bleeding but also addresses the underlying cause of the condition, leading to long-term relief.

The Role of the Best Piles Doctor in Delhi

Choosing the best piles doctor in Delhi is essential for ensuring successful Kshar Sutra treatment. Dr. S.K Singh, renowned for his expertise in non-surgical piles treatment, is a leading proctologist in Delhi known for his compassionate care and innovative treatment approaches. With years of experience and a dedication to patient satisfaction, Dr. Singh provides personalized care tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Graded Ksharsutra Treatment: A Specialized Approach

At Sushruta Anorectal Institute, we offer graded Kshar Sutra treatment, a specialized approach that involves tailoring the treatment to the severity and complexity of the hemorrhoid. This ensures optimal results and minimizes the risk of complications, allowing patients to experience relief from their symptoms and improve their quality of life.


Kshar Sutra treatment is a safe, effective, and non-surgical option for the management of Piles and other anorectal conditions. With its minimal invasiveness, quick recovery time, and proven results, it is an attractive option for those seeking relief from the discomfort of Piles without undergoing surgery.

If you’re searching for the best proctologist in Delhi for piles treatment without surgery, look no further than Dr. S.K Singh a ayurvedic doctor for piles at Sushruta Anorectal Institute. With his expertise and dedication to patient care, you can trust that you’re in good hands. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a life free from the pain and inconvenience of hemorrhoids.

Read More: Best 5 Fiber Foods for Hemorrhoids


Anal Fistula: What It Is, Symptoms, Treatment & Surgery?

Anal Fistula: What It Is, Symptoms and Treatments?


Anal fistula can be a painful and persistent issue, affecting the quality of life for those who suffer from them. Understanding what an anal fistula is, its symptoms, and the various treatment options available—including non-surgical approaches—can help individuals seek the right care and improve their health outcomes. Dr. S.K. Singh at Sushruta Anorectal Institute is a specialist in treating fistula without surgery, offering expert care and innovative treatment options. This blog will delve into the details of anal fistula, their symptoms, and the best treatment options available.

What is an Anal Fistula?

An anal fistula is an abnormal connection or tunnel between the end of the bowel and the skin near the anus. It typically develops after an anal abscess, an infected cavity filled with pus near the anus. When the abscess drains or is surgically opened, a fistula can form, creating a persistent connection between the infected gland inside the anus and the skin outside.

Anal fistula can be classified based on their complexity:

  • Simple Fistula: These are relatively straightforward and have a single tract.
  • Complex Fistula: These involve multiple tracts or cross sphincter muscles, making them more challenging to treat.

Symptoms of Anal Fistula

The symptoms of an anal fistula can vary, but common signs include:

  1. Pain: Persistent pain, particularly when sitting or during bowel movements.
  2. Swelling and Redness: Swelling and redness around the anus.
  3. Discharge: A constant or intermittent discharge of pus or blood from an opening near the anus.
  4. Recurrent Abscesses: Frequent occurrence of abscesses in the anal region.
  5. Foul-Smelling Discharge: The presence of a foul-smelling discharge, which may be accompanied by itching or irritation.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly. An untreated anal fistula can lead to further complications, including infection and systemic illness.

Fistula Treatment

When it comes to fistula treatment, several options are available, ranging from conservative management to surgical intervention. The choice of treatment depends on the complexity of the fistula and the patient’s overall health.

  1. Conservative Management
    • Antibiotics: In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat or prevent infection, especially if there is an associated abscess.
    • Pain Relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort and pain associated with anal fistula
  2. Fistula Treatment Without Surgery
    • Seton Placement: A seton is a surgical thread that is placed in the fistula tract to help drain the infection and promote healing. This method can be used as a step towards other treatments or as a standalone approach in some cases.
    • Fibrin Glue: This involves injecting a special glue into the fistula tract to seal it and allow it to heal. It’s a minimally invasive option that can be effective for certain types of fistula.
    • Kshar Sutra Therapy: An Ayurvedic treatment that involves threading a medicated thread through the fistula tract. The thread gradually cuts through the fistula while promoting healing. Dr. S.K. Singh at Sushruta Anorectal Institute is renowned for using this traditional method effectively, providing a non-surgical alternative for many patients.
  3. Surgical Treatments
    • Fistulotomy: This is the most common surgical procedure for simple fistula, where the fistula tract is opened and allowed to heal as a flat scar. It’s effective but may not be suitable for fistula that cross significant portions of the sphincter muscles.
    • LIFT Procedure (Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract): This modern technique involves accessing the fistula tract between the sphincter muscles, then tying it off and removing the infected tissue. It aims to preserve sphincter function and reduce the risk of incontinence.
    • Advancement Flap Procedure: For complex or recurrent fistula, this procedure involves covering the internal opening of the fistula with a flap of rectal tissue to promote healing.

At Sushruta Anorectal Institute, Dr. S.K Singh specializes in non-surgical treatments for anal fistula. Understanding the fears and concerns that many patients have regarding surgery, Dr. S.K Singh focuses on alternative therapies that provide effective relief without the need for invasive procedures.

  1. Comprehensive Diagnosis: Accurate diagnosis is the first step towards effective treatment. Dr. Singh employs advanced diagnostic tools and techniques to thoroughly assess the fistula and determine the best course of action.
  2. Personalized Treatment Plans: Each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific condition. Whether it’s through Kshar Sutra therapy or other non-surgical methods, the goal is to promote healing and minimize discomfort.
  3. Holistic Approach: Dr. Singh’s approach to fistula treatment integrates modern medical practices with traditional Ayurvedic principles. This holistic approach ensures that patients receive comprehensive care that addresses not just the symptoms but also the underlying causes of the condition.
  4. Patient Education and Support: Educating patients about their condition and treatment options is a cornerstone of care at Sushruta Anorectal Institute. Patients are provided with detailed information and ongoing support throughout their treatment journey.

Success Stories from Sushruta Anorectal Institute

Many patients have found relief from anal fistula through the expert care provided by Dr. S.K. Singh at Sushruta Anorectal Institute. Here are a few testimonials:

  • Ravi S.: After years of dealing with painful fistula and multiple surgeries, I found relief through Dr. S.K Singh non-surgical treatment. The Kshar Sutra therapy worked wonders, and I’m finally pain-free.
  • Anjali M.: I was hesitant about surgery, so I sought Dr. S.K Singh expertise. His holistic approach and the use of natural remedies helped me heal without the need for invasive procedures.


Anal fistula can be a challenging condition to manage, but with the right treatment approach, effective relief is possible. At Sushruta Anorectal Institute, Dr. S.K. Singh offers specialized care for fistula treatment without surgery, providing patients with innovative and holistic solutions.

By focusing on non-surgical treatments and personalized care plans, Dr. S.K Singh ensures that each patient receives the best possible outcome. If you’re struggling with an anal fistula, don’t hesitate to seek help from the best in the field. Contact Sushruta Anorectal Institute today and take the first step towards healing and reclaiming your quality of life.

Read More: What are Natural Remedies for Anal Fissure?


Why are Do’s and Don’ts Important During Piles?

Why Are Do's and Don'ts Important During Piles?


Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus, causing discomfort, pain, and bleeding. Understanding the importance of dos and don’ts during piles is crucial for effective management and recovery. For those seeking expert advice and treatment, Dr. S.K. Singh, the best piles doctor in Delhi, provides valuable insights at the Sushruta Anorectal Institute. This blog will explore why adhering to specific guidelines is essential and how it can significantly improve your condition.

Understanding Piles

Piles can be classified into two types: internal and external. Internal piles are located inside the rectum and are usually painless but can cause bleeding. External piles develop under the skin around the anus and can be painful and itchy. Factors contributing to piles include:

– Chronic constipation or diarrhea

– Straining during bowel movements

– Prolonged sitting or standing

– Obesity

– Pregnancy

– Low-fiber diet

Given the discomfort and potential complications of piles, adhering to certain dos and don’ts can make a significant difference in managing the condition effectively.

The Importance of Dos and Don’ts

  • Preventing Complications: Following the right practices can prevent piles from worsening. Ignoring symptoms or indulging in harmful habits can lead to severe complications, such as thrombosed piles or prolapsed piles, which may require more intensive treatment.
  • Promoting Healing: Proper care and lifestyle adjustments can promote faster healing. Simple changes, such as diet modification and maintaining hygiene, can alleviate symptoms and expedite recovery.
  • Reducing Recurrence: By adhering to preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the chances of piles recurring. Understanding what triggers piles and avoiding these triggers is crucial for long-term relief.
  • Minimizing Discomfort: Adhering to recommended practices can minimize discomfort and improve your quality of life. Managing symptoms effectively allows you to continue with daily activities without significant interruption.

Do's for Managing Piles

  1. Seek Professional Help Early: The first and most crucial step is to consult a piles specialist. Dr. S.K. Singh, known for providing the best piles treatment in Delhi, emphasizes early intervention. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the condition from worsening and facilitate quicker recovery.
  2. Maintain a High-Fiber Diet: A diet rich in fiber is essential for softening stool and preventing constipation. Incorporate fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes into your diet to promote regular bowel movements and reduce straining.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps maintain soft stools, making bowel movements easier and less painful. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your digestive system functioning smoothly.
  4. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity stimulates bowel function and prevents constipation. Activities like walking, swimming, and yoga can help keep your digestive system active and reduce the risk of piles.
  5. Practice Good Hygiene: Keeping the anal area clean and dry is crucial. Use unscented wipes or wash with warm water after bowel movements to prevent irritation and infection.
  6. Use Over-the-Counter Remedies: There are several over-the-counter creams and ointments designed to relieve piles symptoms. These can provide temporary relief from itching, pain, and swelling.
  7. Follow a Consistent Bowel Routine: Establishing a regular bowel routine can help prevent constipation and reduce the strain on your rectal veins. Respond promptly to the urge to defecate to avoid hardening of stool.

Don’ts for Managing Piles

  1. Avoid Straining During Bowel Movements: Straining increases pressure on the veins in the rectum and can worsen piles. Relax and take your time during bowel movements.
  2. Don’t Ignore Symptoms: Ignoring piles symptoms can lead to complications. If you experience persistent pain, bleeding, or discomfort, seek professional help from Dr. S.K. Singh, the best piles doctor in Delhi.
  3. Refrain from Heavy Lifting: Lifting heavy objects increases abdominal pressure and can exacerbate piles. If possible, avoid heavy lifting or use proper techniques to minimize strain.
  4. Avoid Prolonged Sitting or Standing: Sitting or standing for long periods can exacerbate piles. Take regular breaks to move around and stretch if your job involves prolonged sitting or standing.
  5. Limit Intake of Processed Foods: Processed foods are often low in fiber and can contribute to constipation. Minimize consumption of fast food, frozen meals, and snacks high in fat and sugar.
  6. Don’t Use Dry Toilet Paper: Using dry toilet paper can irritate the sensitive anal area. Opt for moist wipes or rinse with warm water after bowel movements.
  7. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol: Both caffeine and alcohol can contribute to dehydration and constipation. Limiting their intake can help maintain soft stools and ease bowel movements.

Expert Care at Sushruta Anorectal Institute

At Sushruta Anorectal Institute, Dr. S.K. Singh offers comprehensive and non-surgical treatment options for piles. His approach focuses on personalized care, leveraging advanced techniques and Ayurvedic principles to ensure effective relief without invasive procedures.

Kshar Sutra Therapy: This Ayurvedic treatment involves using a medicated thread to treat piles. It is a minimally invasive procedure that effectively reduces the size of piles and promotes healing.

Infrared Coagulation (IRC): IRC is a non-surgical procedure that uses infrared light to coagulate the blood vessels feeding the piles, causing them to shrink and recede.

Rubber Band Ligation: This procedure involves placing a small rubber band around the base of the pile, cutting off its blood supply. The pile eventually falls off, providing relief from symptoms.

Sclerotherapy: Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution into the piles, causing them to shrink and eventually disappear.

Dr. S.K. Singh’s expertise and dedication to patient care make him the best choice for piles treatment in Delhi. His non-surgical approach ensures minimal discomfort and quick recovery, helping patients return to their normal lives swiftly.


Managing piles effectively requires a combination of professional medical care and adherence to specific dos and don’ts. Understanding the importance of these guidelines can prevent complications, promote healing, and reduce the likelihood of recurrence. For those seeking the best piles treatment in Delhi, Dr. S.K. Singh at Sushruta Anorectal Institute offers expert care and innovative non-surgical solutions.

By following these expert-recommended practices and seeking timely medical intervention, you can effectively manage piles and improve your quality of life. Don’t let piles disrupt your daily activities – take proactive steps today and consult with Dr. S.K. Singh to embark on the path to recovery.

Read More: Can a Fistula Go Away Without Treatment?

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