What are Different Types of Piles Treatment and Its Symptoms?


Welcome to Sushruta Anorectal Institute, your premier destination for comprehensive care of anorectal disorders in Delhi. Whether you’re seeking treatment for piles in delhi, fissures, fistulas, or exploring non-surgical options, our expertise and dedication ensure you receive top-notch care. In this blog post, we delve into the various types of piles, their symptoms, and the treatment options available.

Understanding Piles

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are a prevalent condition affecting millions worldwide. At our institute, located in the heart of Delhi, we specialize in treating piles, fissures, and fistulas. These conditions can cause discomfort, pain, and bleeding, impacting your daily life.

Internal Piles:

Internal piles develop inside the rectum and may not be visible unless they prolapse outside the anus. Symptoms of internal piles include bleeding during bowel movements, itching, discomfort, or pain. Fortunately, effective piles treatment without surgery is available at our clinic in Delhi.

External Piles:

External piles occur under the skin around the anus and can be felt as lumps or bumps. Symptoms may include pain, itching, swelling, inflammation, and bleeding. If you’re in Delhi seeking relief from external piles, our clinic offers comprehensive treatment options tailored to your needs.

Treatment Options for Piles

At Sushruta Anorectal Institute in Delhi, we provide a range of treatment options for piles, including lifestyle modifications, medications, minimally invasive procedures, and surgical interventions. Our experienced team ensures personalized care to alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Lifestyle Modifications

To manage piles effectively, we may recommend increasing dietary fiber intake, staying hydrated, and avoiding prolonged sitting or standing. These simple adjustments can make a significant difference in your comfort level.


Over-the-counter creams, ointments, suppositories, oral pain relievers, and stool softeners can provide relief from itching, inflammation, and pain associated with piles.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

For patients seeking piles treatment in Delhi, we offer minimally invasive options such as rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, and infrared coagulation. These procedures are performed in our state-of-the-art facility by skilled professionals.

Surgical Options

In severe cases or when other treatments have failed, surgical interventions such as hemorrhoidectomy or stapled hemorrhoidopexy may be necessary. Rest assured, our team in Delhi is equipped to handle even the most complex cases with precision and care.


Piles, fissures, and fistulas can be challenging to deal with, but you don’t have to suffer in silence. At Sushruta Anorectal Institute in Delhi, we’re committed to providing compassionate care and effective treatment options tailored to your needs. Whether you’re seeking piles treatment without surgery or exploring surgical options, we’re here to help you reclaim your health and well-being. Don’t let piles hold you back – schedule a consultation with us today and take the first step towards a pain-free life.With our specialized piles treatment without surgery in Delhi, you can experience relief without the need for surgery, ensuring a comfortable and seamless recovery process. 

Read More: Which Department Do I Have to Go for Piles Treatment?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus. They can cause discomfort, pain, and bleeding, affecting your quality of life.

Symptoms of piles may include bleeding during bowel movements, itching or irritation in the anal region, discomfort or pain, and swelling or lumps around the anus.

Piles are typically diagnosed through a physical examination of the anus and rectum. In some cases, additional tests such as a digital rectal examination, sigmoidoscopy, or colonoscopy may be recommended to assess the extent of the condition.

Piles can be caused by various factors, including chronic constipation or diarrhea, straining during bowel movements, obesity, pregnancy, aging, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Yes, piles treatment without surgery can be highly effective, especially for mild to moderate cases. Lifestyle modifications, medications, and minimally invasive procedures such as rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy can often provide relief without the need for surgery.

The recovery time after piles surgery can vary depending on the type of procedure performed and individual factors such as overall health and the severity of the condition. In general, most patients can expect to resume normal activities within a few days to a few weeks after surgery.

While piles surgery is generally safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks of complications such as bleeding, infection, urinary retention, or recurrence of piles. However, these risks are relatively low, and our experienced surgeons take every precaution to minimize them.

To help prevent piles, it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including eating a high-fiber diet, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, avoiding prolonged sitting or standing, and practicing good toilet habits (avoiding straining during bowel movements).

In many cases, fissures and fistulas can be managed with non-surgical treatments such as dietary changes, topical medications, sitz baths, and lifestyle modifications. However, if conservative measures fail to provide relief, surgical intervention may be necessary.

It is not uncommon to experience some bleeding during piles treatment, especially after procedures such as rubber band ligation or sclerotherapy. However, if the bleeding is excessive or persistent, it’s essential to contact your healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance.

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