
Top 10 Treatments for Fistula​

Top 10 Treatments for Fistula

Ksharsutra Treatment

It has been proved to be a highly effective treatment for Anal fistula. A Clinical trial was conducted by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 1991 at various medical institute including All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi and PGI Chandigarh etc. to see the effectiveness of Ksharsutra Treatment. It was concluded that Ksharsutra treatment is more effective and more convenient as compared to surgery in the patient of Anal Fistula. With the latest concept of Graded Ksharsutra (Sushruta Anorectal Institute; New Delhi), the chances of recurrence after Ksharsutra treatment are predictably zero.

Ksharsutra is a medicated thread which is prepared by coating of certain herbal latex with herbomineral powders. The thread is alkaline in nature and it has highly selective debridement property. The fistulous tract is properly defined using MRI fistulogram or clinical probing and then with the help of certain instruments; the thread is placed in the fistulous tract. The medicine is gradually released in the tract from the thread and do the necessary debridement of the fistulous tract. The thread is changed at weekly interval till there is a final cut through and the tract has healed completely. So here it is the medicine which debrides the fistula and ensures complete healing. The thread is just working as a vehicle for drug delivery in Fistula Tract. The anal fistula patient in whom fistula has recurred after Fistulectomy/ Colostomy/ Glue/ MAFT/ VAAFT; these patients have been successfully treated by Graded Ksharsutra. The treatment is equally effective in the case of complex high anal fistula (Supra levator/ trans sphincteric/ horseshoe shaped multiple tracts).

Other Fistula Treatments

  1. Lay-open of fistula-in-ano: In this procedure; an operation is carried out to cut the fistula open. After that, it is regularly packed on daily basis to ensure proper healing of the wound. It left’s behind a scar tissue and depending upon the location of Fistula in relation to sphincter muscles there might be some risk of stool incontinence and if it is not healed properly; there are chances of recurrence.
  2. Cutting seton: This treatment involves inserting a tube in fistula tract and tying it outside the body. Seton is tightened on regular basis to ensure cutting the fistula tract. So it is the tightened seton which causes cutting of tract. This procedure might involve too much pain and in some cases, there might be incontinence especially of flatus.
  3. Fistulectomy: It is a surgical procedure where complete Fistula tract is excised (cut out). In certain cases; there might be more than 1 surgery. Recurrence of fistula and stool incontinence are the possible post-treatment complications.
  4. Colostomy: In this procedure; an opening is made by drawing part of the colon through an opening to the anterior wall of the abdomen. A Stoma appliance is fixed to this opening to make an alternate way for stool to leave the body. This procedure is done to avoid contact with the faecal matter with Fistula assuming that it will lessen the chances of infection and fistula will heal easily. Along with recurrence of fistula and incontinence, there are certain other complications in this procedure like the formation of hernia near Stoma opening, Stomal blockage; another fistula formation near Stomal opening etc.
  5. Fibrin glue injection: In this procedure; biodegradable glue is injected into the fistula tract which is supposed to close the fistula and let it heal naturally. The recurrence rate in Fibrin glue injection is as high as 30-35%.
  6. Fistula plug: This treatment involves plugging the fistula tract from inside with a plug made up of intestinal tissue. The complication in this treatment involves treatment failure, plug extrusion, abscess at the site of plug etc.
  7. Endorectal advancement flap: In this procedure; an internal opening of Fistula is identified and a mucosal flap is cut around the opening and opening is closed with this flap. After that external opening is cleaned and sutured. The main complications in this treatment are the failure of treatment and recurrence of fistula.
  8. LIFT Technique: Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula tract procedure; involves the closure of internal opening of Fistula tract and removal of infected tissue. Recurrence of Fistula is the main complication in LIFT procedure.
  9. VAAFT (Video-Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment): With fistuloscope fistula tract is visualized and location of an internal opening is confirmed. After that internal opening is closed using stapler or flap made from a layer of skin and the internal layer of the intestine. Disadvantages of VAAFT include reopening of the internal opening leading to failure of treatment and recurrence of fistula.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult with us & get answers to your questions. Book An Appointment for Fistula Treatment!


Complete Treatment for Piles (Hemorrhoids) Without Surgery

Complete Treatment for Piles (Hemorrhoids) Without Surgery

Piles are engorged rectal veins with venous blood. Depending on the level of engorgement piles are classified in different stages.

  • In the first stage, painless bleeding is the only presenting sign. There is no visible mass protrusion.
  • If piles are not treated at this level; pile masses start bulging out of rectum during defecation. After defecation; pile mass reduces by its own. This is called the second stage of piles. At these stages correction of dietary habits, some exercise and kshar karma will benefit.
  • Further, increase in pile mass size makes the manual reduction of pile mass necessary i.e. Pile mass does not go inside by itself. This is the third stage of internal piles. After manual reduction; pile mass remains inside the rectum.
  • If piles are not treated at this level also; then Pile mass remains permanently outside the rectum. A manual reduction will also not work and protruding pile mass creates a problem in day to day activities like moving or walking.
  • In third and fourth degree of piles; Ksharsutra ligation of pile mass is necessary. This ligated Ksharsutra blocks the blood supply of pile mass and with the effect of medicine-coated on Kshrasutra within 10-15 days piles mass fall down on its own. Ksharsutra ligation of Pile mass is done as an OPD procedure. There is no necessity of hospitalization or bed rest in this treatment.

So Ayurveda assures complete treatment for piles at all stages of piles. No recurrence is observed in this treatment.

Dos and Don't for Piles Problem:

  • Take plenty of fluids; 
  • Take adequate fiber-rich food items; 
  • If needed you can take some laxative occasionally (under supervision of Ayurvedic physician)
  • Do not go for defecation if you are not feeling urge for defecation
  • Do not strain too much while defecation
  • Do not sit for long during defecation. Maximum of 5 minutes for defecation.
  • Maintain active daily routine.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult with us & get answers to your questions. Book An Appointment for Piles Treatment!


7 Important Things You Must Know About Anal Fistula

7 Important Things You Must Know About Anal Fistula

Fistula-in-ano generally cause discomfort due to pus or watery discharges and sometimes pain. This is a condition where a nodular swelling appears in the area surrounding the anal opening. Intermittent pus discharge is noticed from this nodular swelling. Instead of a nodular swelling; there might be simply an opening in this region. An anal abscess is one of the most common causes of this condition. 

Seven important things you should know about the Anal Fistula:

  1. It is curable through Ayurveda only: Till date many treatment options are tried to cure Fistula which include Fistula Surgery/ Glu technique/ cutting seton/ Colostomy/ Fistula plug/ VAAFT and many more. But all of these treatment methods have a pretty high recurrence rate of about 20-25 %. However with Ksharsutra treatment for Fistula; chances of recurrence are negligible. Other complications generally seen in surgery like bleeding, incontinence (inability to hold stool); are not seen with Ksharsutra Treatment. Clinical trials conducted by Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR); at AIIMS New Delhi and PGI Chandigarh in 1992 have proved that Ksharsutra treatment is more convenient and more effective than Surgery in the patients of Fistula.
  2. There are symptoms you can look out for: Some of the symptoms that indicate Fistula include appearance of a nodular swelling in area surrounding stool pass area. Intermittent pus discharge is also observed from this swelling. Usually pain subsides and opening closes after the discharges; and the patient feels relief. But after a certain interval of time again pus accumulates; swelling re-appears with some amount of pain which is again relieved after the discharge. This cycle is repeated at varying interval in the patient of Fistula.
  3. Medication can only provide temporary relief: Antibiotics and painkillers might give temporary relief from the symptoms. But after some time there will be again pus formation and associated swelling & pain in area surrounding stool pass opening. 
  4. Anal Fistula can recur after surgical treatment: As discussed above all the treatment options tried by modern medicine (including most recent treatment VAAFT) have high incidence of recurrence (about 20-25%) Whereas there are negligible chances of recurrence after Ksharsutra Treatment for Fistula.
  5. Anal Fistula treated by Graded Ksharsutra does not recur: Ayurvedic treatment for Fistula is known as Ksharsutra therapy. This involves the use of medicated thread being ligated in Fistula Tract. The medicines present in this thread act as a strong debriding agent and induce healing of the Fistula tract. In a few weekly sittings of Ksharsutra change; Fistula gets healed completely and it does not recur. Patient can maintain his normal routine life during the treatment period.
  6. Sitz bath can be beneficial: This involves sitting in a tub filled with warm water so that the affected site is submerged. An antiseptic and astringent agent like Triphala decoction may be added to the water if needed. A sitz bath soothes the skin and provides relief from pain. This also helps keep the area clean and thus reduces chances of infection.
  7. Oily and spicy foods should be avoided: When dealing with Fistula, you should try and take a diet that keeps your stool soft and regular. Hence use of oily and spicy foods should be reduced. Eat plenty of fiber and drink lots of water. Alcohol should also be avoided. 

Ksharsutra vs Surgery in Fistula Patients-

  • Ksharsutra is done under Local Anesthesia. Hence complications of General Anesthesia are avoided. Surgical procedures are done under GA with all impending complications of General Anesthesia.
  • Ksharsutra being a parasurgical procedure hence no bleeding/ cutting of tissue is involved. Surgery involves cutting/ bleeding.
  • No hospitalization or bed rest is required in Ksharsutra Treatment. In Surgery hospitalization is must.
  • In Ksharsutra; patient can continue his normal daily routine.
  • Complications like incontinence (inability to hold stool) and recurrence are seen after surgery.
  • Ksharsutra is a safe procedure and these complications are not seen.
  • Ksharsutra Treatment is more economical as compared to VAAFT surgery. VAAFT Surgery is comparatively too expensive.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult with us & get answers to your questions!

Read about: Painful Piles – Why You Should Not Ignore Them?


Piles – Say No To Surgery

Piles – Say No To Surgery

Say No to Surgery and opt for Specialized Ayurvedic Treatment.

Piles are the tortuous veins which bulge out into the anal canal. There are so many factors responsible for this engorgement of the anal veins. The most common cause is chronic constipation. In such conditions patients have to strain for defecation which puts pressure on the veins leading to congestion and engorgement. When these veins get ruptured by passing hard stools or due to straining it initiates characteristic painless bleeding. Bleeding may be in the form of fresh blood drops or spurts of fresh blood. At this stage, bleeding is the only symptom that patients complain of. This is known as the 1st-degree Hemorrhoids. 

When these congested rectal veins increase in size, the pile mass may protrude out during defecation. After passing stool, the pile mass reduces by itself and sometimes patients have to reduce the pile mass manually. This stage is labelled as 2nd-degree piles. When these pile masses further increase in size they may protrude out during walking or sitting etc this is known as third-degree piles. 

Type of Piles

Piles also known as hemorrhoids, are dilated, engorged veins carrying blood in the anal canal. In simpler words, these are dilated blood veins that are located near the areas of the anus. Piles are mainly of two types in nature namely:

  • Internal Hemorrhoids
  • External Hemorrhoids

The internal ones are more common in occurrence in the human body than the external ones. Most often, these appear around two centimetres above the opening of the anal canal.

As the name suggests, the external piles occur on the outside area of the anus.

Whereas the internal piles are present inside the anal canal. Here are different stages of internal piles.

  • 1st stage- The patient complains of painless bleeding during defecation.
  • 2nd stage- There is painless bleeding along with mass protruding out per rectum during defecation which gets reduced by itself or manual reduction is necessary.
  • 3rd stage- Pile mass could not be reduced back or if reduced by force; these come out even on coughing, walking or sitting
    Some classify piles differently as when the manual reduction is required; it is the 3rd stage while when pile mass is not reducible; it is the 4th stage of internal piles.

Some classify piles differently as when the manual reduction is required; it is the 3rd stage while when pile mass is not reducible; it is the 4th stage of internal piles. 

Symptoms of Piles:

Following are the symptoms are commonly seen in patients of Piles:

  • Blood drops with the passage of stool.Blood spurts may also be noticed while passing stools.
  • Moreover, there are instances when there is unbearable itchiness around the anus speciality in ext. piles.
  • A soft mass or lump may be noticed coming out through anus during passing stools which are reduced spontaneously and if it is large in size then it may be manually inserted back into the anus.
  • Acute cases when the pile masses get infected or inflamed there may be symptoms of acute pain

Treatment of piles without surgery:

Yes; It is possible to treat piles without having to undergo the knife of a doctor. Ayurveda is well known for treatment of piles without surgery. 

  • In the first stage of piles, Kshar Karma therapy (application some kshar or medicine on the pile mass that causes shrinking of the mass) is performed which leads to arrest of the bleeding and regression of the pile mass. No surgery is required.
  • In the second and third stage of piles, the pile mass is ligated by the Ksharsutra as an OPD procedure. After ligation pile mass shed off on some days. Usually, no hospitalization or bed rest is required and patients can go home after the treatment.

It is not advisable to ignore the problem as it will only aggravate with time. Earlier is always better to treat pile. Even at first stage; it is very important to see the doctor because the blood loss during passing stools may lead to anaemia.

Home Remedies for Piles:

Manage piles naturally by incorporating home remedies like high-fiber foods, increased fluid intake, and regular exercise. Keep pile mass in check for better comfort!

  • Piles are the resultant of putting too much strain while defecation or sitting too long for defecation. So these should be avoided.
  • Avoid fast foods, spicy and too much oily foods.
  • Increase consumption of fibrous foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits and salads;
  • Increase intake of fluids and buttermilk etc.
  • You should exercise regularly.
  • If the pile mass protrudes out during defecation these should be reduced and it is better to keep them inside.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult with us & get answers to your questions!

Read about: Fissure – More Effective Non-Surgical Treatment!


Fissure – More Effective Non-Surgical Treatment!

Fissure – More Effective Non-Surgical Treatment!

If you observe a small tear/crack or ulcer in the thin, moist tissue that lines the anus in yourself or your child, then it might be a fissure. Fissures are characterized by needle pricking sensation, burning sensation and sometimes extreme pain during defecation. An fissure is a medico-surgical disorder prevalent among teenagers which can also affect people of any age. But there is no need for concern as the same can be treated using Ayurveda. 

Symptoms of Fissure:

Patients suffering from fissure may experience a sharp itching or burning sensation in the anorectal region after passing stool. This may be accompanied with visible cracks in the skin around the rectal area, spasms and a sentinel pile. Sentinel pile is a tag of skin that develops if the problem of Fissure persists for a longer duration of time. In a few cases, patients may notice some amount of bleeding. 

Causes of Fissure:

There are several factors that can cause fissure. However, constipation is the most common medical condition that may lead to the development of fissure. Constipation results in hardening and formation of large stools, which strain the rectal muscle. Other causes include persistent diarrhea, Crohn’s disease and childbirth. In rare cases, fissures can also be caused due to cancer, HIV, tuberculosis, syphilis, and herpes.

Ayurveda in the Treatment of Fissure:

Ayurveda is a well known ancient Indian medical system which also deals with the different surgical disorders including fissure using specialized surgical and para surgical treatment modalities. Surgical specialist of Ayurveda focuses on debridement of the fissures by Kshar Karma and using medicines to improve blood circulation in the affected areas, alleviate pain, prevent infection, treat constipation and relieve spasm. In the acute condition, ayurvedic treatment involves Kshar Karma – application of specialized medicines in affected areas; applying herbal ayurvedic oil in the rectal area and herbal medicines to relieve constipation. Sitz bath with lukewarm Triphala kwath is also advised. This is a simple procedure which involves filling up a plastic tub of appropriate diameter with lukewarm Triphala kwath. The patient should sit in such a way that his/her buttocks remain submerged in the warm medicated water.

In case the condition becomes chronic and sentinel tag forms, surgical intervention is necessary. This Ayurvedic surgical procedure is called Ksharsutra ligation. It involves ligation of sentinel tags with Ksharsutra. The specialized medicated thread is tied at the root of sentinel tag, which obstructs the blood supply to sentinel piles and causes necrosis resulting in falling of the tag within 5-10 days. Ksharsutra is also least invasive compared to conventional surgery.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult with us & get answers to your questions!

Read about: Complete Treatment for Piles (Hemorrhoids) Without Surgery

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